What is Aikido?
Aikido is a non competitive martial art developed in the early 20th century by a Japanese martial arts expert, Morihei Ueshiba (often referred to as O Sensei or 'Great Teacher').
Its techniques originated in the throws and joint locks of jujitsu, where an attacker's strength and momentum are used against himself and from sword techniques (kenjutsu). Emphasis is placed on absorbing and redirecting an attack rather than blocking or parrying.

Aikido is a way of defence. Although it may seem contradictory with the concept of a martial art, the underlying philosophy behind Aikido is one of peace and harmony. 'Aikido' may be translated as 'The Way of Harmony with the universe or spirit'. It teaches the importance of achieving mental calm and control of one's own body in order to master an opponent's attack without causing them unnecessary harm.
Many different styles of Aikido have evolved from O Sensei's original teachings. Only one, Tomiki Aikido, involves any form of competition. Aikido training is of a co-operative nature rather than antagonistic, with performer (nage) and the receiver (uke) working in partnership.