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The Hut Dojo

Chief instructor:
Sensei Paul Foster - Dent (5th Dan)

About the club

The Hut Dojo is proud of its long history which dates back to when the defensive Martial Art of Aikido was first taught in the UK in the early 1950s. Based on the principle of using your opponent’s strength against him, Aikido is ideal for both sexes from the age of 8 upwards and you can continue training in your 70s!

Contact details

Contact details for adult classes:

07711 552265

01895 846707


Contact details for children's classes:

We currently do not have facilities for a children's class at Watts Hall but we are actively looking for a suitable venue.

Class time


7.45pm to 9.45pm

This class covers both Open Hand Techniques and the use of Jo and Bokken.
16 years old and upwards.


Training with the Jo (wooden staff) and the Bokken (wooden training sword) improves your open hand techniques and is essential learning for your progress through to the higher grades of coloured belt.


Adult Mat Fees

£10 per class or £40 per month



"Aikido has allowed me to look at the world in a very different way in terms of trying to find a way of harmonising with people around me."

Rob Dunford

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